We are Guided by Our Healthful ValuesTM

Our Healthful CommitmentTM

Heroic (hi-ˈrō-ik)

A Healthful HeroTM is someone who combats adversity through perseverance, courage, and a desire to change the world. You are a hero of your own Healthful JourneyTM. As individuals, we do not choose to be heroes. Critically, heroism exists in selfless acts where you place yourself at risk for another. Sharing your story requires strength and a willingness to be vulnerable to save another.

Empathetic (ˌem-pə-ˈthe-tik)

No Healthful StoryTM is the same and every journey is unique. We care deeply about each person’s journey. We are committed to empathizing with each Healthful ContributorTM without judgement. Our empathy and compassion for each other makes us stronger.

Authentic (ə-ˈthen-tik)

We are seekers of truth. As Healthful ContributorsTM, we commit to sharing only what is True and Accurate to the best of our ability. Memories may be imperfect, however the more accurately we share our stories, the more helpful they might be.

Respectful (ri-ˈspekt-fəl)

Every Healthful StoryTM is unique and could be helpful to someone in need. At HealthfulStories.com, we respect the courage of every Healthful ContributorTM. This starts with accepting every background and story as deeply valued and worthy of appreciation.

Transparent (tran(t)s-ˈper-ənt)

Our goal is to share information so that others might benefit. The more we share, the greater the impact that we can have. Our founder has set an example which can be found here. Do not hesitate to e-mail contact@healthfulstories.com if you would like to learn more from a Healthful ContributorTM.

The 5 C’s of Sharing at HealthfulStories.com

Courageous (kə-ˈrā-jəs)

It takes courage to share your story and overcome the shame of our illnesses. At HealthfulStories.com, we admire your courage to share in order to benefit others. You are the hero of your unique story. As the hero, share who you are and how your background influenced your journey. By doing so, you will help others to see possibilities for themselves in what you have achieved for yourself.

Chronological (ˌkrä-nə-ˈlä-ji-kəl)

Our goal with sharing Healthful StoriesTM is to begin each story with the first symptom, continue through misdiagnoses and eventually correct diagnoses, through to good and bad experiences on treatments or homebrew fixes, and and hopefully personal health transformation.

Continuous (kən-ˈtin-yü-əs)

We believe that unbroken journeys make better stories. Every good story has a beginning, middle, and end. We want you to update your stories over time as you experience more with your condition, good or bad, or new insights emerge for you to share to help others.

Complete (kəm-ˈplēt)

It is important that details are shared to the extent you are comfortable. No detail is too small and could matter to someone else in need. Don’t forget to share your symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, the impact on your day-to-day living, and the advice you would share with others on how to manage through.

Curated (ˈkyu̇r-ˌā-təd)

Stories must be accessible in a way that is easy to understand. Your Healthful Team is here to help you to include as much of your journey in ways that uphold all the 5 C’s of Sharing at HealthfulStories.com. E-mail us with your suggestions on how we might improve to maximize the impact of your story.

©2025 Healthful Stories, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Our Healthful Values. Terms of Use. Privacy.


If you have questions, would like to contribute your Healthful Story, or would like to partner with HealthfulStories.com, please send us a note. We promise to reply as soon as we are able.


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